Love hearing from readers!

11 10 2013


I passed out “The Amazing Potential of One surrendered Church,” to leaders in our network, and read your book through in the next couple of days. I have used quotes from it and found it to be very useful in my own ministry! As many times as I have read through the book of acts, and preached from it, I guess I just never noticed before how strikingly clear it is that God used some gentile laymen to start an intercultural church, that became perhaps the greatest missionary church of all time!

I’m getting excited about this Antioch church all over again as I write this!  I must tell you Bob, that as I travel about and visit the various Intercultural churches, I see a zeal for souls in many of them that seems to be lacking in many of our “mature” anglo churches.  Oh the the Holy Spirit would take some of these churches of the 21st century and duplicate or surpass what the church in Antioch did!

I guess I had always focused more on Barnabas and Paul!  I thank you for sharing this book with me and others!  You helped me see this church in a whole new light!

I did give out every copy that you gave me, and I sincerely hope that those that received it were as blessed as I was!

Thank you Robert, and many blessings to you!



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